петак, 30. април 2010.

the window

My view of my sister's Doda great photo...

четвртак, 22. април 2010.

The Eighth Day (Le Huitième Jour) - preview

loneliness...tear...smile...LOVE...firework...amazing act...

среда, 21. април 2010.

inspired with cobweb

Yesterday I "played" with my kitchen...I draw on paper...scaned...coloured in Photoshop...I tried this for first time...feel free to comment...:)

уторак, 20. април 2010.

: )....sunny day

My men at Boka-Kotorska Bay...must see...Perast, Risan, Gospa od Skrpjela and Kotor are places that have not be missed.

понедељак, 19. април 2010.

Julie & Julia Official Trailer (2009)

Gledala Julie & Julia...odlicna gluma Meryl Streep...kao i obicno...smijeh...njami...kuvanje...

петак, 16. април 2010.

This is something I did with my kids for Mother's day...little tulips...we created them to be photo holders...I forgot to take a picture when they we coloured them...

уторак, 6. април 2010.

...part two...my older sunshine...:)