четвртак, 20. мај 2010.

my sister

here's another one from me...:)

среда, 19. мај 2010.

self portrait

this is me...by me...:)

петак, 14. мај 2010.

...za Ivinu majicu...ako je ikad napravim...nosi curicu...jos nepuna dva mjeseca i konacno postajem...T E T K A...jedva cekam...

уторак, 4. мај 2010.

the window no.1

This is The photo...by my sister Doda

петак, 30. април 2010.

the window

My view of my sister's Doda great photo...

четвртак, 22. април 2010.

The Eighth Day (Le Huitième Jour) - preview

loneliness...tear...smile...LOVE...firework...amazing act...

среда, 21. април 2010.

inspired with cobweb

Yesterday I "played" with my kitchen...I draw on paper...scaned...coloured in Photoshop...I tried this for first time...feel free to comment...:)

уторак, 20. април 2010.

: )....sunny day

My men at Boka-Kotorska Bay...must see...Perast, Risan, Gospa od Skrpjela and Kotor are places that have not be missed.

понедељак, 19. април 2010.

Julie & Julia Official Trailer (2009)

Gledala Julie & Julia...odlicna gluma Meryl Streep...kao i obicno...smijeh...njami...kuvanje...

петак, 16. април 2010.

This is something I did with my kids for Mother's day...little tulips...we created them to be photo holders...I forgot to take a picture when they we coloured them...

уторак, 6. април 2010.

...part two...my older sunshine...:)

петак, 26. март 2010.


Finally...after long time...it's been 10 years or more...I draw a figure...this is my younger sunshine...

петак, 12. март 2010.

HVALA SANJICE...ti znas zasto...

Kolacici za pocetak mog blogovanja...i 33 godine...moje...ups...izletjelo...